By Jenny Lundqvist on Thursday, 15 October 2020
Category: Company

News on the Corona situation (UPDATE)

Dear Sir or Madam,
dear customers and partners of SIMON PROtec,

the second Corona wave is on.

Large parts of the German, European and global economy are suffering from the consequences of a virus that nobody knew about a few months ago. In recent months, we all have had to learn to deal with the effects of the pandemic in our daily lives as best we can. Some more, some less.

Our ability to deliver, for example, has been hardly impaired at all so far. The supply chains are working perfectly. The volume of orders in our industry has also remained very satisfactory up to now. Our business has generally suffered less than others.We are of course very pleased about this and also thankful.

The subject of controlled natural ventilation is currently on everyone's lips. The risk of infection can be significantly reduced by controlled and regular ventilation.

The SIMON PROtec Group is attempting to live up to its responsibility in this crisis. We do everything in our power to be there for our customers without restrictions, even if on-site appointments can often only be kept to a limited extent. And we are securing jobs at our locations in Europe. At the same time, we do not forget to protect our employees as much as possible from the risk of infection. We have succeeded in doing this very well so far.

I can therefore repeat my appeal from May without reservation at this point:

Please help us - contact us as usual and continue to place your trust in us - we look forward to your inquiries and to an exciting time with our partners worldwide!

With kind regards

Martin Weber
Managing Director