By Christian Schneider on Thursday, 23 April 2020
Category: Company

SIMON PROtec creates future-oriented and modern corporate structures

Passau: Christian Schneider will be taking on further management duties at the company SIMON PROtec which is a pioneer in preventive fire protection. In addition, newly created competence teams will provide effective strategies for the future.

Christian Schneider who was head of sales and product manager until now will move up to the executive board and manage the operative business as COO. Christian Schneider has been working for SIMON PROtec for 10 years and will continue to take care of the product management as well as the focusing of our product development. Furthermore, he will represent the company when it comes to association work and participation in national and international expert groups.

As in the past, flat hierarchies are important. For this reason, the company created new competence teams who are better suited for our continuously growing and internationally oriented company. New team leaders will be deployed in new competence teams. Günter Höllinger, who worked for large international companies in Germany as well as abroad, will now be responsible for the complete sales process at SIMON PROtec. His main task will be to expand the international distribution of the group.

"Our company needs young and motivated leaders who think their training doesn't end with a university degree. If these employees assume responsibility on top of that, this is the best way to invest in the future of your company".

General Manager Martin Weber

The corporate group SIMON PROtec develops, produces and is an international partner for systems of preventive fire protection and considered the pioneer of electric smoke and natural ventilation. For more than 50 years "we create fire safety" has been a top priority for the global player SIMON PROtec. The company employs more than 70 people at their headquarters in Passau and at further sites with subsidiaries in Munich, Switzerland and Hungary. The fourth building section in Passau was completed in 2019 and is home to the product development as well as more production and storage areas.