By Jenny Lundqvist on Thursday, 22 July 2021
Category: Company

SIMON PROtec donates for flood aid

The floods in Germany in recent weeks have caused more than just property damage. More than 160 people died and many were injured in the floods in Rheinland-Pfalz, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Bavaria. Many people lost their belongings.

"Aktion Deutschland Hilft" is an alliance of renowned German aid organizations founded in 2001 and supports people all over the world who are affected by natural disasters or humanitarian crises. Aktion Deutschland Hilft" is currently providing emergency aid to the people affected by the flood disaster in Germany.

Together, we are helping families who lost their homes in the floods. SIMON PROtec has donated € 1000 for the flood aid "Aktion Deutschland Hilft".

Every donation counts! On the website of "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" you will find more information on how also you can support.