By Christian Schneider on Monday, 11 April 2022
Category: Products & News

Extension SIMON-SHEV N-SHEV with EA-L/S and ZVK-LOCK

SIMON PROtec actuator technology is subject to a high level of quality and strict requirements for use in smoke and heat extraction and controlled natural ventilation. The positive completion of the tests according to EN 12101-2 for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators is important proof of the performance characteristics of the products concerned.

With the product launch of the additional electrical locking system ZVK-LOCK for internal and external use, an NSHEV test was carried out together with the smoke vent slit actuator EA-L/S with 750 N. The SCHÜCO AWS 70 HI profile is used as side hung window and thus expands the variations of the SIMON-SHEV product pass. Dimensions: 1200x2050mm

The tests for heat exposure, reliability and wind load were successfully completed. In addition to the smoke vent function, the reliablity was also confirmed with over 10,000 double strokes for controlled natural ventilation (KNL).

​To the products:


Supplementary electric locking ZVK-LOCK