By Christian Schneider on Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Category: Products & News

Fire protection curtain FireScreen EW & EI

Recently we expanded our range of high quality fire protection curtains with two additional products. The FireScreen EW system can setup a enclosed space for 90 minutes and is verfied according to EN 1634-1 and EN 13501-1. The system can also reduce the heat radiation to 15 kW/m² for 90 minutes.

Fire Protection Curtains for highest Demands

The FireScreen EI System is perfect for the highest demands. It grants the fire resistance class EI30-C up to EI60-C and a maximal temperature increase on the surface of 140 °C.The heat radiation is reduced to a minimum of 1 kW/m². You can find additional information about the new systems in the product section of our website. Go to FireScreen Products Of course we also help you in person with choosing the proper system for your project.