By Christian Schneider on Thursday, 25 August 2011
Category: Products & News

NSHEV tested successfully - Folding arm² ensures excellent results

On 08th of July the combination new folding arm² of the company Simon RWA and glass roof window of Schüco-profiles AWS 57 RO has also passed successfully the last hurdle to a Natural Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation System (NSHEV) according to EN 12101-2. Thereby a NSHEV-solution is available by now, which defines an absolute new performance category in the range of aestethics and power.Although the actuator needs just about 150 mm space inwards, the achieved values are spectacular. Linear actuators with same results need therefore minimum 1 m space, but usually even more. By now an attractive alternative beside the known unlovely and bulky linear actuators is available for architects and builders.

Below the data of the NSHEV combination in detail:

Another important reference to the results is, that the NSHEV is tested in a complete pole-lock-construction, which was part of the test block. Take just here a look, how this sensational technic is able to inspire: For more detailed information to this actuator concept please do not hesitate to contact us or take a look at the product page of Folding Arm². We advise you as well to your object.