By Jenny Lundqvist on Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Category: Products & News

STUDIO MUC - New building with extraordinary architecture

STUDIO MUC - these are "serviced apartments" on Carl-Wery-Street in Munich. Particularly striking and noteworthy is the sophisticated and innovative facade design. The apartments have round windows on the outer facades, which can be partially or fully closed with double-leaf shutters. The project was realized by WKP (Weickenmeier, Kunz + Partner Architekten Ingenieure GmbH) and SWI (Schimpel & Winter Projektbau GmbH). We were privileged to supply the actuator technology for the circular windows.

The architects' demands on the desired window automation were high. On the one hand, the actuator technology had to have IP65 certification and, of course, be suitable for opening round windows. On the other hand, all actuators of the contenders were subjected to a wind test and a pull load test. For this purpose, WKP provided a experimental set-up of the round windows with hinged shutters, in which the shutters were tested with a simulated wind speed of 24 m/s (= 86.4 km/h).

We did not want to miss out on this outstanding project. Our folding arm² actuators can be supplied with IP65 certification. The installation situation also did not cause us any headaches. Folding arm² actuators can be combined with round windows without any problems, as they were mounted centrally as a crossbeam. We had thus fulfilled part of the requirements, and the architects subjected the Folding Arm² supplied as a sample to the wind and pull load test. Here, the full strength of our folding arm² actuator technology became apparent. In contrast to some other conventional systems of competitors, our folding arm² had no problems whatsoever with the wind load of 86 km/h. We were awarded the contract: 902 pieces of folding arm² for the STUDIO MUC. Delivery in 2020 / 2021.

More information about our folding arm² actuators with SICO BUS technology can be found here: Folding Arm² PA-KL² ​.

A model of the round window with our IP65 folding arm² actuator, matching anodized in color "champagne".

Wind load test setup, in which the folding shutters were tested with a simulated wind speed of 24 m/s (= 86.4 km/h). Unlike some other conventional systems from competitors, our folding arm² had no problems whatsoever with this wind load.

The STUDIO MUC on Carl-Wery-Street in Munich. Particularly striking and noteworthy is the sophisticated and innovative facade design. The apartments have round windows on the outer facades, which can be partially or fully closed with double-leaf shutters. For the window automation, we supplied 902 units of Folding Arm² actuators.

All visualizations (c) Copyright SWI Schimpel & Winter Projektbau GmbH
Photo test setup (c) Copyright WKP Weickenmeier, Kunz + Partner Architekten Ingenieure GmbH