By Diana Kossack on Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Category: Products & News

Ventilation chain actuator with 500 N force - EA230-K-50

Now with 230 V AC input voltage

Until now, only the EA-K-30 was available as a 230 VAC variant. Numerous discussions with our partners and technicians have now led to a fundamental renewal of the screws and thus also of the assembly.

The EA-K-30 chain actuator had already showed it. The EA-K-50 follows suit. With an input voltage of 230 volts, the actuator is now even more powerful and can be easily integrated into your own home wiring.

Like the EA-K-50, the EA230-K-50 can also be quickly parameterized by SIMON LINK. Adjustments such as force adjustment and stroke shortening are just as important as the maintenance function with evaluation of the running cycles. Via SIMON LINK this value can be increased up to 500 N.

Also new: M5 Torx hexagon socket screws for reveal installations

Also new are the screws. The new chain actuator EA230-K-50 now uses Torx hexagon socket screws M5 instead of M6 slotted screws as before. Now it is possible to easily install the chain actuator EA230-K-50 in the soffit. For the adaptation by means of the bracket sets, the bracket sets K2 5092 - K-K-50-A (M5) and K2 5093 - K-K-50-K must be ordered until the end of the classic bracket sets.

Convincing properties for all areas

The EA230-K-50 performs just as well in the private sector as in commercial properties. The soft-start guarantees a low switch-on current and avoids a voltage drop in the network. Loud closing of the windows is prevented by the soft-close area. Approximately 75 mm before the end position "CLOSED", the chain actuator closes quietly by reducing the power and the speed.

EA230-K-50 chain actuator at a glance: