As pioneer of electrical smoke and heat exhaust systems SIMON PROtec is member of different commitees and expert groups.
As founder member of the expert group RWA (SHE) of the ZVEI we inform architects and planers about the state of the art and support projects. There we support the ZVEI in personal in those different expert groups and meetings. We are also founder member of the VFE, the association for natural ventilation and smoke ventilation.
Through this groups and also personally we are involved in several standard expert groups for DIN and also on European area for EN and ISO standards. We take care for standards for smoke ventilation and also for smoke and fire curtains. The knowledge and the experience of our employees will be brought into this expert groups to keep the level of preventive fire protection and natural ventilation very high and push them for further development.
Get to know more about both groups:
ZVEI: Export group for smoke ventilation and daily ventilation and
VFE: Center for fresh air